- Aesthetic surgery
- Anaesthesia
- Animal testing
- Anti-Aging Medicine
- Artecoll
- Aspirin
- Augmentation
- Azzalure
- Blood thinning medications
- Bocouture
- Botox
- Botulinum toxin
- Brow lift
- Cheek augmentation
- Cheek enhancement
- Cheek folds
- Cheekbones, contouring
- Cheeks, sunken
- Chin augmentation / enhancement
- Chin folds
- Chin, receding
- Connective tissue weakness
- Consultation
- CoolSculpting
- Cosmetic / plastic surgery
- Cosmetic clinic
- Costs
- Crow's feet
- Cryolipolysis
- Cutaneous abrasion
- Dermabrasion
- Double chin
- Dual CoolSculpting
- Dysport
- Eye wrinkles
- Eyebrow lift
- Eyes, dark circles
- Facelift
- Falten unterspritzen
- Fillers
- Follow-up
- Forehead wrinkles
- Glabella
- Hook nose
- Hyaluronic acid / Hyaluronan
- Hyaluronic acid, external application
- Hyaluronidase
- Hydration therapy
- Hyperhidrosis
- Juvederm
- Juvederm Volbella
- Juvederm Voluma
- Laugh lines
- Lifting
- Lip augmentation
- Lip enhancement
- Lip enlargement
- Lip filling
- Lip injection
- Marionette lines
- Masseter
- Mesotherapy
- Minimally invasive procedures
- Mouth, drooping corners
- Nasolabial folds
- Natural appearance
- Natural look
- Nose correction
- Pain
- Perlane
- Permanent fillers
- Platysma
- Prices
- Quality
- Radiesse
- Restylane
- Rhinoplasty
- Safety
- Sagging corners of the mouth
- Sculptra
- Silicone
- Square jaw
- Sunken temples
- Tear Trough
- Temples, sunken
- Teosyal
- Underarm sweating
- Vistabel
- Wrinkle injections
- Wrinkle injections / filling / removal
- Wrinkle removal injections
- Wrinkle treatment
- Xeomin
- Zornesfalte
A facelift involves surgical tightening of the facial skin and the underlying tissues. This procedure is designed to soften or completely eliminate the natural signs of ageing of the skin. Wrinkles are smoothed out by the facelift, and the underlying tissue is raised and tightened. This makes the face look fresher and younger again. A facelift may involve various corrective procedures. These may include smoothing wrinkles on the face, forehead and neck, as well as raising the corners of the mouth and lifting the cheeks or eyebrows. However, there are natural limits to what these treatments can achieve.
Many patients look for alternatives to a traditional facelift, since they would prefer not to undergo a surgical procedure with a general anaesthetic and the associated postoperative pain. There are alternative options for wrinkle treatment, particularly if skin ageing is not too far advanced. Instead of having a facelift, many patients prefer wrinkle injections or wrinkle therapy and structuring / contouring treatments with fillers or botulinum toxin. Such treatments can generally achieve an effect very similar to that of a facelift.
An alternative to a surgical facelift called 'Smoothlift' has been developed by Smoothline. Further information about Smoothlift can be found here: Smoothlift.