
The Company

Smoothline® is an affiliation with Smoothline AG, with its headquarters in Zurich. Smoothline® is a registered trademark.

Legal disclaimer

Copyrights and Other Trademark Rights

The content and logos on the Smoothline websites are the property of Smoothline, and are subject to copyright laws and/or additional trademark right laws. Commercial use of the content of its websites in the form of copying, distribution or modification of any kind is prohibited. Any duplication and/or use of objects such as images, diagrams, sounds or text content in other electronic and/or printed publications is not permitted without the consent of Smoothline. Please note that challenging our copyright or other trademark rights can result in civil proceedings and/or prosecution.

No Liability For Content

Smoothline is not responsible for any contents linked or referred to from its pages, unless Smoothline has full knowledge of illegal contents and ability to prevent the visitors from viewing those pages. If any damage occurs by using the information presented on the website, Smoothline is not liable. Liability claims regarding damages caused by the use of any information provided – including any kind of information, which may be incomplete or incorrect – will be rejected. Smoothline reserves the right to change, complement or delete all or parts of pages without prior notice or public announcement.