Your experts for filler and botulinum treatments
For more than 15 years.

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Authentically beautiful

At Smoothline, we believe that your personality is the source of your individual beauty.

It is therefore extremely important to us to help you express your personality authentically. We do so by giving careful consideration to you and your needs. With our specialization in facial care, we can revitalize your appearance discreetly and naturally without changing it, using our tried-and-tested, reversible treatments.

Learn more about our credo here:

Explore our customer journeys

Find out what motivated our customers to seek advice and treatment from Smoothline doctors. And find out for yourself how relaxed and happy they now look.

Probandinnen & Probanden für die Behandlung des Kinn-/Kieferlinien-Bereichs gesucht

This part is available in German only

Für das Forschungsprojekt «Lift Up» suchen wir Teilnehmende, die ein wenig ausgeprägtes Kinn haben und sich deswegen einer oder mehreren ästhetischen Behandlungen unterziehen möchten. Dieses fliehende Kinn kann auf einen Definitionsverlust der Kieferlinie oder auf andere Ursachen zurückgehen.

New to Smoothline?

You are interested in a treatment with us and would like to know which treatments we offer, how such a treatment is carried out and what experiences other customers have had with us. You will find all this information here.

"Was wäre wenn…?"

This part is available in German only.

"...und warum habe ich es nicht schon viel früher gemacht?" Dies fragen sich im Ladies Drive Nr. 59 Sandra-Stella Triebl und Angela Meleti bezüglich Faltenbehandlungen mit Botulinum und Filler.

'Men's questions' – Interview with Thierry Karrer

Our CEO Thierry Karrer in an interview with elleXX on 'men's questions'. What are 'men's questions'? These are questions that usually are posed to women. Find out what Thierry Karrer had to say in response.

This part is available in German only.

20Minuten Beitrag Sofia

This part is available in German only.

Lesen Sie im neusten 20Minuten Beitrag warum Sofia dank einer CoolSculpting Behandlung nun eine Jeansgrösse kleiner trägt und ready für den Sommer in der Badi ist.


Join our Smoothline Ambassadors Daniela, Beatrix and Andrea on their Smoothline Journey and learn, how they became customers of Smoothline and what is important to them in their treatments.

shop online!

In our Smoothline online shop you can buy vouchers that can be used like cash and are valid for all Smoothline treatments and products.

The online shop is available in German only.

TeleZüri at Smoothline

In its ZüriNews show on February 27, 2021, TeleZüri broadcast a feature about Smoothline on the subject of "Beauty treatments during the coronavirus pandemic". Take a look to see why Fabiana von Arx booked an appointment at our clinic.

This part is available in German only.

CoolSculpting – fat removal without surgery

Have you tried everything to shift stubborn fat and yet still haven't achieved your desired results? CoolSculpting treatment helps you to selectively reduce fat cells and to remove them naturally – without surgery.

Plasmage – eyelid lifting without surgery

Drooping eyelids are difficult to cover up with eye creams or makeup. Considering going under the knife? – Plasmage provides an alternative solution. This treatment is a gentle method of eyelid lifting without surgical intervention – for a fresh, revived and youthful look.

The Smootline team

All treatments at Smoothline are performed by a qualified and experienced team of doctors. The main goal of our treatment is not a perfectly smooth face, but regaining a fresh and balanced appearance.

Bewerten Sie uns – und wir pflanzen einen Baum…

This part is available in German only.

Für jede Bewertung, die wir von Ihnen nach einer Behandlung erhalten, lassen wir einen Baum für Sie pflanzen


Forehead Lines

With increasing age and decreasing skin elasticity, there comes a point at which expression-related lines no longer disappear. They become deeper and are visible as forehead lines even when the facial muscles are relaxed.

Frown Lines

A frown line is the vertical line between the eyebrows above the root of the nose. It is a form of expression line that can be caused by the daily movement of the facial muscles.

Eye Wrinkles ("Crow’s Feet")

Wrinkles caused by facial expressions (expression lines) develop as a result of the activity of the underlying facial muscles. Eye wrinkles ("crow’s feet") are a particular form of expression line.

Circles under the eyes

There are various reasons why dark circles develop under the eyes as we age. The main causes include the loss of subcutaneous fatty tissue around the lower eyelids and the loss of bone around the eye sockets.

Nasolabial folds

Achieving a fresh, relaxed appearance is the primary goal of Smoothline wrinkle treatment. Smoothline develops an individual treatment plan together with each client to ensure that all their needs are met as fully as possible.

Around the nose

Hyaluronic acid is used to fill wrinkles and can also smooth out uneven places on the bridge of the nose, making it relatively easy to correct an unwanted bump, for example.

Cheek augmentation

Over the years, the aging process of the facial skin is accompanied by an increasing redistribution of the fatty tissue under the skin and loss of bone mass in the central part of the face. This often results in loss of volume in the cheek and lower eyelid region, creating the typical impression of a tired, aging face.

Cheek wrinkles

Achieving a fresh, relaxed appearance is the primary goal of Smoothline wrinkle treatment. Smoothline develops an individual treatment plan together with each client to ensure that all their needs are met as fully as possible.

Lips and mouth

Beautiful lips are an essential part of a well-cared-for face. When treating lips, Smoothline focuses primarily on “lip enhancement”, in which the outline of the lips is treated to create a harmonious shape.

Lower jawline/jowls

A face with beautifully defined contours creates a younger, fresher appearance. As we age, structural changes take place in the skin and cells start to work less efficiently.

Masseter Muscle ("Chewing Muscle")

The masseter muscle can become very strong, particularly if it gets a lot of exercise. This is true of all muscles: The more they are used, the bigger and stronger they grow.

Hydration treatment for the hands

The quality of our skin changes as we age. It makes the skin less elastic and supple, and it becomes increasingly dry. Hydration therapy restores the moisture balance of the skin.

Hydration treatment for the décolleté

The quality of our skin changes as we age. It makes the skin less elastic and supple, and it becomes increasingly dry. Hydration therapy restores the moisture balance of the skin.

Treatment of Hyperhidrosis

Targeted treatment of the underarms significantly reduces excessive sweating as well as the associated odor.


Have you tried everything to shift stubborn fat and yet still haven't achieved your desired results? CoolSculpting treatment helps you to selectively reduce fat cells and to remove them naturally – without surgery.


Drooping eyelids are difficult to cover up with eye creams or makeup. Considering going under the knife? – Plasmage provides an alternative solution. This treatment is a gentle method of eyelid lifting without surgical intervention – for a fresh, revived and youthful look.